Chatters Extended Opening Times
From 5th October Chatters will be opening from 11am every Thursday! Go grab an early cake!
We are very grateful to The Lottery Community Fund for funding the initial phase of this new website. This website aims to be your first port of call, for everything relating to news, events & services in and around the village. Here, you will find links to Groups & Clubs, Restaurants & Pubs, as well as useful information pertaining to local services. Why, we even have a weather app with a 7 day weather forecast, so you can plan your days ahead.
Essentially, this website is about you, the villager, and as such, we would love to hear what you think of the website, with any suggestions or ideas on how we can improve and help grow this utility. To contact us, please click here – we have planted a seed, but we need your help for it to grow!
Why not let us know what you would like to see here on your village website… all suggestions are most welcome!
Do you have a story to tell? Are you associated with a group or club and wish to share an upcoming event? Has your local football, cricket, tennis or bowls team won any matches? Then your village would love to know!
From 5th October Chatters will be opening from 11am every Thursday! Go grab an early cake!
Needingworth Gardening Club Monthly Speaker is Andrew Ward. 12th September 8pm, at Needingworth Village Hall. Andrew’s talk is “The Astounding Asteraceae.” Which will touch on the many types of daisies that belong to this group. Andrew trained as a Plant Breeder and started
Date: 15th September 2023 Time: 7pm Venue: Needingworth Village Hall, Overcote Lane Needingworth Please contact the Parish Council Office to book a place on the session. There is no charge for the training session. Email: needingworthpc@btconnect.com Tel: 01480 468451
If you disagree with the decision by CCC not to clear the weeds at the roadside there is a petition to sign at the following link; https://cambridgeshire.cmis.uk.com/ccc_live/ePetitions/tabid/115/ID/65/Reintroduce-weedkilling.aspx It is running until October and needs 3000 signatures to be considered.
Huntingdonshire District Council’s Cabinet Members agreed to introduce a fortnightly garden waste subscription service that will come into effect in April 2024 at a meeting on Thursday 24August. Cabinet Members approved the new subscription service at a meeting on Tuesday 18
To book a Stall and for further details, please contact Eda MacPherson on 07765214200 or email edamacpherson@aoll.com