Planning Application 20/00443/FUL Erection of 14 dwellings with associated landscaping, parking, cycle and refuse storage, sustainable drainage system (SUDs) and vehicular access point off Mill Way Land North Of Sunryl Church Street Needingworth.
Please be advised this application is going to HDC Development Management Committee (DMC) on 21st March 2022. The meeting will take place at 7pm at The Civic Suite, Pathfinder House, St Marys St, Huntingdon, PE29 1TN.
This is the meeting where HDC will make the final decision on whether the application is given approval or not.
The application has been strongly objected to by the Parish Council and concerned residents.
The Parish Council will be attending the meeting to speak against the proposal and would welcome your support by attendance.
A leaflet entitled ‘Your Right to Speak’ is available on the HDC website